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Writer's pictureGali Levite Leibovich

Stream hikes in the Golan Heights during spring – flowing waters and green

The spring is a great time to travel through the Land of Israel, especially in the blooming north. The streams of the north that even now flow strongly and sometimes even overflow, become wonderful hiking trails during the spring, especially of you wish to paddle in the stream itself, the pools or the waterfalls you will encounter on the way. During the spring, the snow which now falls on Mount Hermon, starts to melt and feeds the streams with water.

The 'Pastoral – Kfar Blum' Hotel, 'Hagoshrim' and 'Ein Zivan Tourism' are situated in a central location, from which you can set out on guided tours as an integral part of your family's Passover vacation package we offer.

In order to familiarize yourself with the north a little better, and to find out what awaits you when you arrive in Israel for your Passover vacation, we have prepared especially for you, a small taste of several streams in which the flow is great.

We will begin with the Hazbani/Snir Stream, the longest of the streams originating from the Jordan River. Since its path starts at Mount Hermon, during the spring time, when the snow melts, the flow is at its peak. You can choose from three routes, according to different difficulty levels and your willingness to dip in the waters or paddle in the pools on the way. A large part of the route is shaded, thanks to the lush vegetation which grows alongside it.

The Banias Stream – The stream passes through the 'Hermon Stream' Nature Reserve The stream flows all year round as well and it also originates from the Jordan River. Along it you will find the Banias Waterfall, which is one of the tallest waterfalls in Israel. It is about 10 meters high and its flow is very strong. The hiking trail is fully shaded and offers interesting stops such as: The 'Officers' Pool', The Banias Waterfall Observation point, 'The Hanging Trail' and more.

The Sa'ar Waterfall – A breathtaking waterfall that is a part of the Sa'ar Stream and is a seasonal stream. During the summer and fall seasons the stream is dry, and in winter and spring you will be most impressed by the strong flow and green scenery. You can choose one of two trails, one is easy and the other is for seasoned hikers. On route, you will be able to visit both the 'Resisim' (shards) Waterfall and the flour mill.

The Zavitan Stream – The trek of the stream which flows all year round, is highly recommended when it comes to water hikes in the Golan Heights. On route you will enjoy the warm sun or the pleasant coolness when you are walking inside the ravine, which is abundant with vegetation, streams and pools. The route is about 6 kilometers long, during which you can visit the Yehudia Woods, the Zavitan Hexagon Pool as well enjoy the spectacular view overlooking the Stream.

The Yehudia Stream – The stream flows along the Yehudia Nature Reserve, and begins at the Alonei Habashan settlement. The length of the route is 5 kilometers and is designated mainly for seasoned hikers. On your way you can make a stop at the Yehudia Waterfall, include a dip in the deep water pool and enjoy the relaxation area at its foot. In addition you can take in the remnants of the Yehudia Village which was established during the Mishna and Talmud era, as well as familiarize yourself with Jewish history.

The Ayun Stream Nature Reserve (The Tanur) – The stream originates in the Ayun Valley and continues to the Hula Valley. Along the way you will be able to enjoy a wide range of waterfalls, the tallest of which is the Tanur Waterfall that is about 30 meters high, and a location which marks the end of the route as well. You can embark on your hike at the Eucalyptus Grove that has an observation point of the border between Israel and Lebanon. One of the Ayun Stream's main attractions is the impressive vegetation alongside it: Willow, Raspberry, Oleander, Anemone flowers, Squill plants and more.

The Ami Boardwalk / The Jordan Promenade – Kfar Blum – The guests of the 'Pastoral-Kfar Blum' Hotel are in for a treat. The back gate of the hotel leads to where the Jordan Promenade begins. The beautiful promenade connects between Kfar Blum and Sde Nechemia. Along it, the lawn mats meet the river banks, as well as stone slabs on which verses from the Bible are engraved, wherein the Jordan River is mentioned.

The Valley of the Vanishing River – Kibbutz Hagoshrim – The kibbutz in which the 'Goshrim' Hotel is located, has a circular water route, which is located to the north of the Vanishing Valley and leaves directly from the hotel. Part of the route is shaded and offers an encounter with a delightful grove, lush vegetation (figs and strawberries in season), chirping birds, a visit to a restored flour mill, the stream's power station, a beautiful pond and an enchanting waterfall that are all part of the Vanishing River's flow, which is in fact the Dan Stream. The route passes along the brook which branches out from the Dan Stream and goes through the kibbutz.

It is a small beautiful grove with small waterfalls and a charming brook gurgling in the thicket of the ferns and water plants.

The Jilaboon Stream – The stream passes near the "Ein Zivan Tourism Center' and has two waterfalls: The Dvora Waterfall (about 10 meters high), named after a Jewish village established in the Talmudic era and is located to the north of the stream, and the Jilaboon Waterfall (about 42 meters high). A blend of tourism and Judaism can be found in the village remnants, the ancient Jewish inscriptions, evidence of olive press houses that operated here at that time, and more. You can choose from three hiking routes according to difficulty levels: A short route, 1 kilometer long, a medium length route of 3 kilometers and a long route of 4.5 kilometers. The second route will bring you to an observation point on the stream and to a large pool at the foot of the waterfall. The third route, designated for seasoned hikers, will take you to the 'Officers' Pool' as well.

These are some of the many streams of the north that receive a good quantity of rain during this winter season.

In spring time, the results of a rainy winter season will be seen in the strong flow of waters, magnificent bloom and a north covered in green.

*For the Passover Holiday – Our flag project, you make your requests and our goal is to meet most of them.

Passover isn't just another vacation, and when you celebrate in Israel, there are many additional significant values to be had of - Judaism, tradition and history.

You can choose to conduct the Seder with your family members in a private room, or to join other families having the Seder in the hotel's restaurant. During the Passover you will be able to enjoy the deluxe kosher culinary offerings, a current and diverse menu which is of high standard and rich and includes tailor made vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free dishes. An inseparable part of the Passover program in the north are the offered tours which include nature, history and Zionism hikes with professional English and Hebrew speaking tour guides and more.

Our accompaniment, from the moment you first consider your vacation to the time you are arranging your photos in the album, will provide you with added value to your family vacation in Israel.e.

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